I like to read. In my room I have a nice size bookshelf almost full of books.

This is one of my TONS of favorite books. The ghost hunters series.(it's kinda creepy)

This is a picture of my bookshelf, I did not get all of it.

Here is another one of my favorite book series, The animal Ark series.(it's about animals. Oh, sorry, did you guess that already?)

This is the warrior cats series! (If anybody who is reading this knows me, you also know what to get my for Christmas:)

I don't remember why I took this picture, But it goes with the post, so I'm going to leave it there.

This is a series called, The midnight librry. you may have heard about it. on the back it says: 'Don't panic, On second thought do panic, Welcome to the midnight library.'

This is a series called, Jigsaw Jones. I am in to creepy books, right now. And movies. And, I'm no longer easily scared:P So, if you ever try to scare me, I have great hearing, sight, and smell. So beware. I also have a favorite book called, Wait 'till helen comes. It was so good, I cried when I finished it....... Have you ever read a book like that?